Institutional Donors
Funding & Institutional Partners
We are fortunate to have had many funders who have been supportive of our work over the years:
- Solar companies, like the First Solar Corporate Charitable Fund of the Toledo Community Foundation and Namaste Solar Company, which are supporting our work in our solar microfranchise, TecAp, in Nicaragua;
- Fair trade companies, like Equal Exchange and Green Mountain Coffee, which are supporting our work with fair trade cooperatives in the mountains of northern Nicaragua where we work with women selling solar powered products and youth installing and repairing solar systems in our the TecAp microfranchise;
- Appropriate technology funders like the IEEE Foundation that is associated with the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, the world’s largest professional association for the advancement of technology.
- Foundations based in the Southeastern US like the Bancker-Williams Foundation, Full Circle Living, Community Foundation of Metropolitan Atlanta and the Fund for Southern Communities.
- National foundations in the US like the International Foundation, The Jim and Patty Rouse Charitable Foundation, and New England Biolabs Foundation.
- European funders like ICCO Cooperation of Holland, NOVIB, SNV, Austrian Cooperation, ACT of Belgium, Oxfam
- Entities that supported our financial innovation in the US, such as the Marcus Foundation, Rockdale Foundation, and theXerox Federal Credit Union.
- SEEP Network through the Assessing the Impact of Microenterprise Services (AIMS) Project of USAID.
- Many national networks of microfinance institutions that paid for IDEAS to do training and technical assistance for their network members, such as ASOMIF in Nicaragua, Alpimed in El Salvador, COPEME in Peru, REDMICROH in Honduras, PHILNET in the Philippines, AEMFI in Ethiopia, RFR in Ecuador, CASHPOR in Asia, GHAMFIN in Ghana, among others.
- Regional microfinance networks like REDCAMIF in Central America and SANABEL in the Arab World
- Consulting contracts from Impact Investors, such Oikocredit, Partners for the Common Good Loan Fund, Calvert Foundation, CARE for helping start MicroVest, and founding of the loan fund of WCCN.
- Multilateral funders like FAO, UNDCF/SUM, United Nations Development Fund, and members of the World Bank group.
- International Organizations involved in microenterprise development and microfinance like FINCA International, CARE USA, Opportunity International, Oxfam, Catholic Relief Services, Freedom from Hunger, Promujer, MEDA, Save the Children Federation, Katalysis Network, and Habitat for Humanity in various countries.