The vast majority of our work has been for specific clients. Thus, while we have written tens of thousands of pages of reports over the past three and a half decades, these are confidential documents written for specific clients. Therefore, it would not have been ethical to publish these.
However, we have written dozens of training materials over the years, both in English and Spanish. These have been either published or, more often, they have been photocopied for specific trainings.
For more than 25 years, IDEAS published a bi-monthly periodical called Southern Communities. IDEAS also published the Community Economic Reporter for about six years.
For several years, IDEAS published MicroEval: El Boletin de Evaluacion de Impacto e Investigacion del Mercado de Microfinanzas en America Latina.
Published works in related fields, Dr. Garber has published:
Learning from Clients: Assessment Tools for Microfinance Practitioners. Associate Editor of 2001 Edition. Authored six sections. Co-authored other sections with persons affiliated with the AIMS Project. Washington, DC: SEEP Network, January 2000 and September 2001. (
A Practitioner-led Impact Assessment: A Test in Honduras. Co-authored with Elaine Edgcomb. Washington, DC: AIMS, May 1998. Part of Assessing the Impact of Microcredit Services, a series of academic studies funded by the USAID’s Office of Microenterprise Development. Also available on the Internet (
Private Financing of Microcredit: The Models and Potential of U.S. Socially Responsible Investment in International Small Enterprise Credit. Ann Arbor, MI: UMI, June 1998. This is Dr. Garber’s doctoral dissertation.
Private Investment as a Financing Source for Microcredit as The North-South Agenda Paper (No.23; January 1997), published by the North-South Center Press of the University of Miami.